‘One India’ Starts Tomorrow


The ‪‎Annual ‪‎Mega ‪‎National ‪‎Cultural ‪‎Fest ‘‪‎One India’ will be organized at LPU on 22nd-23rd March, 2017. Make sure, you don’t miss any part of it.

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This 7th edition of the two-day event will ‪‎transform the entire ‪‎campus into a Mini ‪‎India, wherein thousands of ‪‎students from all the 29 ‪‎states ‪‎will unite to ‪‎celebrate the ‪‎strength of ‪‎unity in diversity, through processions, ‪‎exhibitions, ‪‎music ‪‎concerts, ‪‎dance ‪‎shows, and ‪‎lots of other engaging, ‪‎colourful ‪‎activities.

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