As there is some time left for your next semester to kickstart, you might be wondering what things you should do in this summer break to put your time to good use. There are abundant courses on several sites, you just need to find where your interest lies. There are few MOOCs that each one of you can do without a second thought irrespective of your field. These courses not only enable us to sharpen our skills but also help in learning new things and what time could be better than now? So let’s just dive right into these courses:
- Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint
In our day-to-day college life, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint play a major role. You need to give presentations as assignments regularly, so these courses will definitely help you to make your PPTs better. Most of you might be thinking why to do this course when you know about it already. There are a lot more features in MS Excel and MS PowerPoint that we don’t know of yet. So this would be a great way of knowing about Microsoft PowerPoint for making an effective presentation. This would help you in the upcoming future too. These courses are provided by Udemy, Skillshare, LinkedIn, and almost every e-learning platform. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead!
- Digital marketing
Digital marketing is a vastly popular field that anyone can do. It is not limited to one area but it ranges from social media marketing to email marketing. Many e-learning sites like Coursera, Udemy, Edx offer this course (free as well as paid). You can even be part of any student organization in LPU even if you don’t know a thing. You’ll learn in the process that is for sure. Certain sites like Internshala offer internships for varied periods. Internships are a brilliant way of gaining experience by working with different companies.

- Machine learning
Machine learning is a course that can be done by anyone. It provides working opportunities not only in India but even across the world. This is a method of data analytics and a branch of artificial intelligence that keeps track of patterns and makes decisions with minimal human intervention. This course is available on Coursera and it is provided by Stanford University itself, isn’t it great?

- Foreign language
Did you know that your creativity is enhanced when you learn a foreign language? People who speak more than one language have better memory and critical-thinking skills. If you are interested in going to foreign countries, then you should take up the language classes. You can learn any language that you want starting from Mandarin to Korean, German to French and many more on different e-learning platforms. You are in luck, LPU is even providing classes for foreign languages like Japanese, German and French for different levels. You should definitely check out and apply as soon as possible.

There are plenty of courses on several online courses platforms covering every domain. You could choose anything and everything justifying your interest. You can learn web development, web designing, graphic designing, illustration, computer languages and the list goes on.
So what are you waiting for? Explore your options and find yourself a passion project.
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