#PCC – Different People You See in Examination Hall

#PCC – Different People You See in Examination Hall

Different People You See in Examination Hall

Exams are something we all dread. No wonder people don’t like them because they make you itchy, sweaty and nervous as hell. It’s like at that moment your brain throws a tantrum telling that you didn’t give me proper nutrition, ate junk all the time so now I won’t work for you. Well, most of us just prepare a night before and of course the next day we are all walking dead in red bull induced coma who have only one goal: To finish the exam and jump into bed. (Sorry, university is vegetarian so you won’t be getting any flesh-eating zombies here as even they turn vegetarian as soon as they pass the main gate turnstile). And when you enter the examination hall you see a variety of characters. Well, here’s a list.

  • The nervous guy

This person is visibly tensed, sweaty and at times shaky. Just by looking at him/her you can figure out that this guy has hell lot of difficulty with the subject.

  • The I-got-it-all-covered guy

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this person is all set for the exam. It looks to you that if this person had to travel to ends of the earth to get that one recommended book for the exam then he/she would get that book. They have everything and anything covered by the syllabus. Looking at them makes you think “I can’t, so don’t even think about it, so walk away while you can.”

  • The last-minute reader

This person is the one who can sometimes annoy you. This is something we all do because we magically believe that the last minute Paragraph we are studying will miraculously appear in our exam and we would most definitely answer it getting a high score. Wake up! The chances of it happening are like 1 in a million. Often they are so immersed in that last minute reading they crash with people around while walking.

  • The blank one

You don’t understand this person. As this is that one guy or girl who is as cool as cucumber even during the toughest of the exam. You can’t deduce whether they are calm cause they don’t know anything or because they know everything.

  • The one that makes you nervous guy

This usually turns out that person who says that he/she has not studied anything and yet in examination hall you see them fill page after page. While they are on page 15 poor you are still stuck at 5 and you can hardly drag it till page 10. Looking at them makes you doubt your capabilities, like whether he/she is writing extra or is it you who is writing very less.

Hope next time you go in examination hall you see them all and smile and think these are the memories I take behind with me.