Ever heard the phrase “Food is Bae”? Well here at PotataCouchCorner let me explain to you why food is the all-time Bae(For most of us except for few genetically altered people who are okay with eating at a normal rate). If you ask me, I am exactly as the Meme shows.
And if my tummy doesn’t get its food in time. I’m pretty much still like many of us so no harm comes to people around.
I am pretty sure the case is same with many of us. After all the foodie in us is always present at all times. Beings Indians we are okay with every kind of food. Whether it be seafood or continental or even desi ghee Parata. Anything works wonders for us and at times, melt us right on spot.
It’s a great way of making up to friends too. All you have to do is buy them their favorite food item and Tada! – Your mistakes are forgiven and you are purified of your sins. (Well, works mostly in many cases but don’t expect it in cases of murder of course).
Sometimes it’s also the easiest way to show someone that they mean the world to us. And of course, the receiver would be very happy as One does not simply turn down free food at all. The only time we actually do it is when our relatives are giving us goodies or money and we have to turn it down because it would be against the “Moral values of refusing when given something free” we have been taught. We also have the added security of parents watching. (Pun intended no offence meant)
Well, at the end of the day you are happy as long as your tummy is happy. It makes you feel satisfied. So, make sure to keep the hunger monster tucked in and make the world a better place by being happy and making people around happy.
(To do that you got amazing kiosks and eateries on the campus which are rich with delicious mouth-watering food of all kinds. So, make use of it before you have to leave the campus)