Short Term Course on Scale Construction and Standardization

Short Term Course on Scale Construction and Standardization


Human Resource Development Center- Lovely professional University in Collaboration with School of Education, LPU organised, ‘Short Term Course on Scale Construction and Standardization’ w.e.f Feb 20 to Feb 25, 2023. The course received active participation of Faculty Members and Research Scholars across India. The participants were enabled to appraise the role of literature review in the conceptualization of a construct, its dimensions and items, explore various methods of item statement construction during the development of a psychological tool, interpret the various terminologies associated with exploratory factor analysis statistical techniques, justify the retention and deletion of items statistically during exploratory factor analysis using SPSS Statistics and FACTOR software, analyze results of exploratory factor analysis technique on real time data and reporting the results of exploratory factor analysis technique during academic writing.

Program convener Prof. (Dr.) Sunaina Ahuja, Dean and Head-Human Resource Development Center, Lovely Professional University in her welcome address shared LPU-HRDC’s vision w.r.t faculty development and assured that participants would be enriched with Scale development skills using SPSS and hands on practice on exploratory factor analysis. “The Short Term Course is unique in terms of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment methods,” she expressed.

Program convener Prof. (Dr.) Pavitar Prakash Singh, Dean and Head School of Humanities, LPU in his inaugural address highlighted that the institutions of higher learning in India are facing crucial challenge in creating, nurturing, and maintaining the level of quality research. The need of the hour is to develop a sound methodological base of research among the budding educationists and researchers to cope up with future challenges.

Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor and Head-Deptt. of Faculty Development, Human Resource Development Center, LPU and Dr. Nimisha Beri, Professor and Head – Department of Education, LPU, and Ms. Sushma, HRDC coordinated the Short Term Course maintaining great connect with the participants and Resource Panel.

The 6-day program was conducted by Professor (Dr.) Vijay Kumar Chechi, Deputy Dean and Department of Education, LPU, and Dr. Rajib Chakraborty, Associate professor, Department of Education, LPU.

Dr. Chechi deliberated on Steps of Scale Construction, Conceptualization of Construct, dimensions and their items and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) – Qualitative Introduction. Dr. Rajib Chakraborty focused on role of correlation, regression, item-total correlation and reliability in Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), EFA using SPSS Statistics and FACTOR software and EFA – results analysis and reporting

The participants were appreciative of the resource persons’ expertise, teaching pedagogy and continuously maintained vibrancy and energy level throughout the program.

In the words of participants …… “ Thank you to the entire LPU HRD team, entire program was very much informative for me to upgrade myself which was very much needed to go through the comprehensive research work.” ……. Ms . Payal Paul

……… Best training program I have ever attended. As we are in the starting stage of Ph.D we need to attend more such sessions. Please plan such type of programs regularly… ……. Minakshi Gupta

The course intonated with the closing remarks of Course Coordinator Dr. Savita Gupta, she thanked the resource panel, course conveners and the participants and acknowledged the efforts of the Organizing Committee.

Feedback was solicited from the participants in response to which they appreciated the gesture shown by the LPU-HRDC in terms of choice of Subject Matter Experts and curriculum framed to make us clear about the Scale development and standardization.