Short Term Course on Scientific Writing using Typesetting Software LaTeX

Short Term Course on Scientific Writing using Typesetting Software LaTeX

Short Term Course on Scientific Writing using Typesetting Software LaTeX

Short Term Course on Scientific Writing using Typesetting Software LaTeX was organized w.e.f. Apr. 25 to Apr. 30, 2022, by the School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences & Human Resource Development Center (HRDC). LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system that includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation widely used in academia for the communication and publication of scientific documents in the fields such as Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Economics and Medical Sciences.

The course was inaugurated by Program convener Dr. Kailash Chander Juglan, Professor & Dy. Dean, School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences. He assured that participants would be enriched with skills through experiential learning.

Short Term Course on Scientific Writing using Typesetting Software LaTeX

The subject matter expert Dr. Sanjay Mishra, Professor School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences, Lovely Professional University explained the fundamentals of LaTeX software, Installation of Software (MikTeX, WinEdit, PDF), Interface of WinEdit, Fonts, Formulas and Equation with LaTeX, Figures and Tables, Document Structure, Formatting, References and Citations, Presentations- Beamer, Powerdot, Posters and Field Specific Content. The participants were appreciative of the resource persons’ expertise, teaching pedagogy and continuously maintained vibrancy and energy level throughout the course.

Mr. Puneet Soni, Sr. Officer, HRDC coordinated the workshop maintaining a great connection with the participants and Organizing Team maintaining an open environment for learning.

Program convener Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor & Dean, Head- Human Resource Development Center, appreciated the contribution of Dr. Sanjay Mishra. She also applauded HRDC team members for organizing a meaningful short term course, successful in meeting participants’ expectations.