LPU installed almost 1000 KW of Solar Panels in campus

LPU installed almost 1000 KW of Solar Panels in campus


We understand that the use of Solar Energy reduces air pollution as well as water scarcity. Acting on the powerful and positive impact of Solar Energy on the Environment, Lovely Professional University has installed almost 1000 KW of Solar Panels amidst its beautiful lush-green campus that caters to the electricity requirements of hundreds of young minds.

Solar energy is the genesis for all forms of energy. This energy can be made use of in two ways the Thermal route i.e. using heat for drying, heating, cooking or generation of electricity or through the Photovoltaic route which converts solar energy into electricity that can be used for myriad purposes such as lighting, pumping and generation of electricity. With its pollution free nature, virtually inexhaustible supply and global distribution- solar energy is a very attractive energy resource.

Solar Energy can be utilized for varied applications. It can be sought from two different perspectives: utilizing solar energy for grid-interactive and off-grid (including captive) power generation.

Grid-interactive solar energy is derived from solar photovoltaic cells and CSP Plants on a large scale. While the areas with easier grid access are utilizing grid connectivity, the places where utility power is scant or too expensive to bring, have no choice but to opt for their own generation. They generate power from a diverse range of small local generators using both fossil fuels (diesel, gas) and locally available renewable energy technologies (solar PV, wind, small hydro, biomass, etc.) with or without its own storage (batteries). This is known as off-grid electricity.