7 words to stand out extraordinary while speaking English just like a...

7 words to stand out extraordinary while speaking English just like a pro


In India, English is the 2nd language and around 125 million Indians are able to speak English, thanks to the Britishers. English has become a pretty famous language over time and soon turned into major eligibility for employment in India.

The root of the problem

Remember those days when stringent rules forced us to speak in English? Well, let me tell you something which is going unnoticed, the above 125 million of Indian English speakers are not as exactly as proficient in English. Many can only manage to speak in English and are glad to be part of those so-called strict schools. One mustn’t be surprised with the above shocking numbers but rather think of the possible reasons.

Many graduate-level students can somehow manage to mug up the things to prove as better English speakers in interviews. But most fail to present things well while practicing their duties in the offices; in other words, you are as good as fired.Pro

Why seek professionalism?

On the other hand, there is this 10-20 per cent of the Indian English speakers who can speak fluent English with not many errors. Professionalism should be the goal if you think you fall into this category of 10%. You might have come across several new words even after speaking good English for a while now.

When watching an English movie or news on TV or even when talking to a colleague you might have surely wondered for the meanings of the words. Didn’t you? If yes, then it’s never too late to learn. However, learning new words doesn’t make you sound professional, it takes time and practice. Besides, a positive response from the listener is a must.

Now let’s focus on how to sound professional while speaking in English at the workplace. Note it down, this is just a drill to build your confidence and eventually make you look like a professional.

Here are the 7 words to sound positive and smart at the workplace. These are the small changes that you can make which can have big results.  Pro


The most common word we use when we agree to someone’s request is ‘ok’ or ‘no problem’. For instance, when your boss asks you “Can I have the document by the end of the day”, use ‘CERTAINLY!’ instead of ‘ok’ or ‘no problem’.


People hate the word ‘change’, especially at the workplace. When you are in the middle of something crucial and you receive an email that says to change certain things. All of a sudden it’s like you have to change everything from the beginning. To avoid such a situation that feels like a lot of work, using ‘modify’ sounds positive and makes others feel comfortable too.


Similar to the word change, most people don’t like to hear the word ‘problem’. Just like ‘we have a problem with the order’ or ‘the boss has a problem’. Instead, you can use ‘complication’ which doesn’t sound scary; for example ‘we have a complication with your order’.

ProSensational and Awesome

To describe something is great what word you can probably use to make it sound as great as it is. Sensational or Awesome, people like to hear the words which are positive and energy driven.


There are times when you need more details about the work or you didn’t understand what someone said. If in the situation when you are very unclear about what your colleague said then you might say ‘what do you mean’. Instead of using such a harsh statement, you can use ‘could you ELABORATE that’ which sounds much polite and professional.

Side JobsFor Instance

Last but not least, I have saved the most important word ‘for instance’. While introducing examples, most people commonly use the word ‘like’, instead use ‘for instance’ which inculcates huge professionalism!