

Stars are the best examples of hope and inspiration because they always shine. No matter the weather, or time, or whether we can see them, they and their twinkle are constant. In an inconstant world where we can’t count on anything, their dependability, the visual delight of them, are soothing to the soul.

The world is full of cheaters, myths, greed, hunger, and intolerance. People fight for power and money.  Religions are fighting for their existence, communities are fighting to dominate each other,  today politics has new meanings and humans have developed weapons of mass destruction in the name of maintaining peace. People cheat each other and then put on a display of sympathy to show the world that they are conscientious humans. Everyone has forgotten the purpose of their life, nobody follows the teachings of their religions, people search for peace on google and in apps, technology being the only language people understand anymore.

To see the reality around us we need light, but that too is a thing easily controlled. Flick the switch and cast a shadow over what we would rather keep hidden, and with another flick  throw light on that which we want visible. It has become our nature that we see what we want to see. When we do something wrong we turn of the light otherwise we keep it on. I don’t find any purpose when I look towards this world everyone is the same, even me. We  have all made this world an anti-humanity planet.

But when I look towards the stars, they give me a new purpose. When I see them, they all look similar, they never fight with each other, they never change their nature, and they serve their purpose of existence because they always shine. They shine a new light in my heart too, because they teach me that when I have to make any pattern from these stars first I have to make that pattern in my thoughts and mind. Such is the nature of all creation and all change, it must first be conceived in the mind and then brought to effect. It must all begin with the self.