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Tag: facts

Fascinating facts about India that probably many Indian's don't know yet!

Fascinating facts about India that probably many Indians don’t know yet!

Who would have guessed that the seraphic land of the holy saints was once an Island? And the colossal mountain range of...
How to discern between fact and misinformation

How to discern between fact and misinformation?

In these dark times, where people have seen themselves relying on social media more than ever, it has become increasingly challenging to...
fun facts about LPU

Check out these interesting fun facts and things you wish you...

A rich blend of distinct cultures, a worldly hub of emerging leaders, engineers, entrepreneurs, journalists, etc. Altogether, it's a fruitful experience like...
facts about dreaming

Top 5 Interesting Facts About Dreaming

Dreaming is the most interesting, mysterious and unfathomable experience of life. During the Roman era, dreams were considered a message which was coming straight...
Fun Facts about Hitler

5 Fun Facts About Adolf Hitler

A known brutalist and human butcher, Adolf Hitler was known to be the greatest dictator of all time. ‘A man of terror’ was what...
things you didnt know about the Berlin Wall

5 Things You Didn’t Know About the Berlin Wall

A wall that defines the actual scenarios of the well known cold war. East Germany and the Soviet Union called it as Die anti-...

International Yoga Day – Some Facts You Did Not Know

An ancient practice connecting the mind, body, and soul is being shared with the world today. It’s not just an exercise or meditation; it’s...