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Tag: students


Renowned YouTuber Ranveer Allahbadia Visits LPU Campus

https://youtu.be/4jfN4XbICuM Ranveer Allahbadia, commonly known online as BeerBiceps, is a well-known fitness influencer from India who has...

Spiritual Leader BK Bhagwan Bhai Visits LPU Campus

Students and staff members at the LPU campus were given guidance by Brahma Kumar Bhagwan Bhai (BK Bhagwan Bhai) as they embarked...

LPU hosted 52-hour international filmmaking challenge ‘Filmithon- 2023’ with over 200...

* ‘Filmithon’ encourages young filmmakers to showcase talent and creativity * With Filmithon-2023, LPU's School of Journalism, Film and...

Our Vertos won the Silver Medal in the All India Inter...

The All India Inter University Baseball Championship is one of the most prestigious sporting events in the country. It brings together some...

LPU’s specially abled MBA student once again grabbed Gold Medal at...

* Occasion was 7th Boccia National Championship held at the Rajputana Rifles Regimental Centre, Delhi Cantonment * With dual...

LPU Rugby team (M) has won Gold Medal in All India...

The success of students from Lovely Professional University in sports tournaments is quite common now. LPU has a long history of producing...

Observing gender parity and equity, LPU organised International Women’s Day

* On a single podium were seen ‘a man, woman, trans-man, and trans-woman’ * Head priestess of international Kinnar...

Lovely Professional University (LPU) successfully concludes its 13th Annual Athletic Meet

* School of Physical Education lifted the meet’s overall trophy with maximum tally of medal winnings * Fastest woman...

LPU lifted Overall Runner-up Trophy of 36th All India National Youth...

* LPU students won a large haul of 22 Medals along with 5 overall and runner-up trophies in different genres

Everything About Cyber Security in 2023!

One of the largest cyberattacks ever was the Yahoo! data breach in 2013, which exposed an astounding 3 billion accounts. Hackers were...