Tags #thinkbig

Tag: #thinkbig

LPU Students Win 5 Lakh Grant in Ministry of Education’s National...

* Excelled among India’s 1000+ teams to win Government of India’s Yukti Innovation Challenge (YIC) * LPU students’ innovative...

National Workshop on X-ray Diffraction and Particle Size Analyzer

X-ray Diffraction is a powerful analytical technique used to study the atomic and molecular structure of materials. By shining X-rays onto a...

LPU organised its 15th Achievers Award Ceremony: Awarded students with Rs...

* Celebrated the hard work, dedication & devotion of the promising students for extraordinary performances in their respective fields 

Short-Term Course on Advanced Web Development on Node Js

Short-Term Course on Advanced Web Development on Node Js was organized by Human Resource Development Center and School of Computer Science and Engineering. The...

“Pharmacists will be valued the most in the next five years”:...

* The occasion was LPU’s one-day International Conference on Recent Advances in Health Sciences-ICRAHS 2024 The President of the...

Alumni Home-Coming 2024: Thousands of LPU Alumni Relive Cherished Campus Memories

* LPU's Global Impact: Alumni Network Spans 140+ Countries Lovely Professional University (LPU) recently organized the highly anticipated 'Alumni...

Short Term Course on Data Science & Statistical Data Analysis with...

Data Science & Statistical Data Analysis with R Program offers a comprehensive exploration of data analytics using the R programming language. From...

LPU hosted 15 United Kingdom’s students under exchange Programme

Fifteen students from Staffordshire University in the United Kingdom recently concluded their participation in the month-long ‘Study India Programme (SIP)’ at Lovely...

Human Resource Development Center, LPU inaugurated GURU-DAKSHTA: Faculty Induction Program (FIP)-2024

With the mission, to ‘Transform Education’ through academic rigour, practical orientation, and outcome-based teaching, Human Resource Development Center, Lovely Professional University inaugurated...

LPU organized two-day International Conference on Advancements in Aerospace Engineering

The School of Mechanical Engineering at Lovely Professional University (LPU) organized ‘International Conference on Advancements in Aerospace Engineering- ICAAE-2024’. The two days...