The Triple Filter Test


“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and weak minds discuss people.”-Socrates

There is a common story around about “The Triple Filter Test.” Some relate it to Socrates and sometimes it involves an Arab scholar, but the truth of the story is the same. Some of you might have heard the story before but those haven’t, here it goes:

In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed as a great philosopher. One day an acquaintance came to him and said, “Do you know what I came to know about your friend?” Socrates replied instantly, interrupting the man, “Hold on a minute, before telling me anything, I’d like you to pass the Triple Filter Test. Before you say anything about my friend, it would be better to take a minute and filter what you’re going to say.

“The first filter is Truth. Are you sure that whatever you are going to say is true?” asked Socrates.

The man nodded a no and said, “No, I actually just heard about it, and…

“So you are not sure whether what you are going to say is true or not. Then, is what you are going to say something good or kind?” asked Socrates.

Again, the man nodded his head. “No! On the contrary…”

Socrates lifted his hand to stop the man. “So, you don’t know what you want to say is true or not, and it is not even good or kind. Though, one filter still remains, so you may still tell me. The third filter is Usefulness or Necessity. Is whatever you are going to tell me useful or necessary?”

A little ashamed, the man replied, “No, not really.”

“Well, then!” said Socrates, “If whatever you want to say is neither true, nor good or useful, please do not bother to say it at all.”


Before you voice your opinion or answer a question, just ask yourself:

Is it true? Is it good? Is it useful? Is it necessary?

Keep the triple filter test in your mind the next time you either hear some gossip, or are about to be a part of starting one. Imagine how different the world will be if we only choose to seek and pass information that was true, good, or useful.