Top 5 – Things That Make LPU Awesome

Top 5 – Things That Make LPU Awesome

things That Make LPU Awesome

A 600-acre campus, 50+ blocks, a uni-mall and a uni-hospital, an unimaginable variety of courses and students hailing from each and every nook and corner of our country. These are few of the factors that LPU often boasts about. We are the largest private university in India and we hardly fail to mention that. Whether it’s the campus café or the DSA, we all have our own favorite spots to chill out and take a break from our hectic college life. This one such campus where boredom is never an issue. You’ll always find yourself occupied with one thing or another.

But if someone were to ask you to point out the top 5 things that you love about your campus, what all would you include in your list? Given below are the top 5 things (according to me anyway) that make our university one-of-a-kind.

  1. LPU Touch and the UMS
    hings That Make LPU Awesome

UMS – University Management System, aka, the zero paper initiative which was started by LPU. The UMS is kind of like a godfather to all of us. We hate it only to inevitably fall in love with it. Everything, all the way from our attendance, to our hostel details to the announcements which we often fail to read, is given in the UMS. LPU Touch is kind of like the younger brother of the UMS. One could say it’s the shortened version of it. I think it’s safe to say that our college lives kind of revolves some way or another around the UMS.

  1. Unity in Diversity
    LPU One World

LPU has students hailing from nearly every state of India. Not only Indians but students from various countries from around the world have come to LPU, only to call it their home away from their home. No matter what language you speak, no matter what your religion is, no matter what your caste is, I assure you that you’ll find your tribe here and that you’ll learn to love them.

  1. The UNI-Mall

things That Make LPU AwesomeAsk any LPU student what the most visited building in the whole campus is, and they’ll gladly say that it’s the Uni-mall. The Uni-Mall for us is kind of like a natural monument (no, like seriously). All that we need, from a well stacked WH-Smith, to Kenchi, our very own hairdresser, the answer to each and every of our need can be found in the Uni-Mall. To top it off, the top floor of the mall contains a food court, with shops such as Domino’s Pizza and Dosa Plaza. What more could you ask for?

  1. The Kiosks
    things That Make LPU Awesome

It’s pretty common knowledge that hostel food, no matter how delicious it may seem like, will inevitably end up being awful. So to take a break from our hostel mess, we have our very own kiosks. Kiosks are located at several spots all around the campus and each kiosk provides us with a wide variety of choices. The only problem that you’ll have is choosing where you want to eat from.

  1. The DSA
    things That Make LPU Awesome

The DSA is kind of like a temple for all arts and sports lovers. The entire building hosts various clubs pertaining to various activities. Let it be dancing, singing, acting, drawing, or playing your favorite games, you’re sure to find a room that meets your interests. Not only do these clubs help in refreshing your minds, you’re sure to pick up one or two new skills along the way.