Lovely Professional University conducted a weeklong training where trainers from Europe were training LPU faculty and delegates from 5 other countries. This training was being conducted under the European Union and Erasmus+ programme cofounded project. The funded project won by LPU is in the area of using sports and physical education as a vehicle for inclusion and recognition. Trainers were from different parts of Europe such as Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus while other delegates attending the session were from Indonesia, Sri Lanka & India.
During the opening hours of the training sessions, Dr Aman Mittal, LPU’s Vice-President and Head of the Division of International Affairs, apprised delegates about LPU and its various activities vis-à-vis internationalization of higher education and unique global understanding.

On different days, topics that were covered included motor development; marketing in sports management; personal and social development and inclusion; psychology of sport and exercise; and, sports nutrition for exercise and performance. For these sessions, international trainers of relevant expertise were Dr. David Blay Tapia; Dr. António Rosado; Dr. Rita Cordovil; Dr Costas Tsouloupas; Dr George Aphamis; and, Dr. Angelos Vlachogiannis.
Before this, the Convener of the project & Executive Dean at LPU Dr Monica Gulati welcomed delegates at the campus and shared various policies of the project with them. She also apprised all that initially the training was scheduled at the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka. However, sensing the present plight of the immediate neighbouring country Sri Lanka; LPU volunteered itself, under the dynamic leadership of its Chancellor Dr Ashok Kumar Mittal, and has come forward to help and host the prestigious training sessions at its campus.

Only a few days ago, LPU had also endeavoured to launch an important website ( for European Union’s Billions-funded ERASMUS+ Project at the campus, which was virtually witnessed by more than 30 distinguished participants from both the European and Asian partner institutions.
In fact, LPU had bagged a prestigious project of INR 9 Crores from the European Commission for leading a consortium of 11 universities to research Sports Education in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia under the Erasmus plus project. This initiative is aimed at capacity building in the field of sports, physiotherapy and physical education through research and community development. Out of the 1005 applications that the project received from across the globe, LPU emerged as the only university from India to be designated the lead coordinator.