
Stage Fright: Not a Fear Anymore!

Stage fright or fear of public speaking as we all know is a persistent phobia which may arouse in an individual when he or...

2-day Workshop on Psychometric Screening Tools in October

Are you looking  For Psychometric assessment tools designed to measure individuals’ cognitive and behavioural capabilities? To learn the evaluation and interpretation of various psychometric...

Tips To Make Your Next Camping Trip Easier

Camping activities are like addictions, once you fall for it, you can never come back. Although, not that much popular in India, in the...
Study Tips

Study Tips for Freshmen

The transformation from high school to a college is fresh and stimulating, but you mustn't neglect why you were there in the first position....

Jumping into Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is the most exciting and trendiest thing nowadays. If you will ask who wants to become an entrepreneur, then every second person in...

5 Money Tips for a College Student

Being a college student isn’t easy. We get independent (and that is great!) but we have to make our own decisions. These decisions also...

Happy Engineers’ Day LPU!

The engineering community across India celebrate Engineers' Day on 15th September every year to honour the achievements of one of the greatest engineers the...

5 Facts That Will Make You Take a Fancy to Engineering!

As students, we all have had the nerve-racking experience of carrying those fat books in our backpack while traversing our way to school. They...

Sathi-Village Adoption Program

LPU NSS adopted more than 14 Villages & Slums in Maheru ,Chaheru , Madhopur, Raipur Prohala , Hardaspur , Salarpur , Narang Shahpur ,...
James Cook University

LPU signed a Scholarship Agreement with James Cook University, Australia

To all the LPU students, gates are wide open for Australia! LPU signed a 'Scholarship Agreement' with its partner university, JCU: James Cook University, Australia, ranked among the 'Top...