LPU’s MBA Students Got Training from Sony Officials
"I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand"
This is a famous and a really old Chinese proverb...
LPU Student Selected as Local Committee President of AIESEC
In a proud moment, Rajesh Tiwari, a student of Lovely Professional University has been selected as the Local Committee President of AIESEC, Jalandhar for...
WorkShop on Personality Development Through Theatrical Methods
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."
There is one thing that all the greatest leaders of the world have in common: They know...
Save a Life by Participating in Thalassemia Fund Raising Event
Thalassemia affects every 4.4 of every 10,000 births throughout the world. Thalassemia patients require regular treatments like blood-transfusion. To do your part in helping...
This is How Diwali is Celebrated at LPU
Under an initiative by LPU-NSS, 9th to 13th October was celebrated as “Joy of Giving Week" Under this, many students donated food items, clothing,...
First Chapter of LPU Alumni Jalandhar: A Vibrant Evening
The First Chapter of LPU Alumni Jalandhar was reminiscent of the good old college days for the Jalandhar alumni. The alumni were glad to...
“Shutter Shop” – A Workshop on Photography Held at LPU
Student organization "Verto Motion Pictures" under the aegis of Division of Student Welfare in collaboration with Y-Tv organized a workshop on Photography and Cinematography,...
LPU Signed MoU with National Research Development Corporation(NRDC)
Lovely Professional University (LPU) signed Memorandum of Understanding with National Research Development Corporation(NRDC), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India
The Lovely Professional University...
Arjuna Awardee Gurpreet Singh Joins LPU
Commonwealth Gold Medalist and Arjuna Awardee Gurpreet Singh has now become a part of the LPU family by joining Bachelor of Arts Programme under...
Workshop on Innovation in Room Division Management Held
With ever evolving market dynamics in almost every field, LPU organized a ‘Workshop on Innovation in Room Division Management’, targeted for those in the...