Workshop on Food Safety and Hygiene for Cafe Arabica

Date:  5th May 2017 Venue:  Lovely Professional University, Phagwara Background & Rationale Workshop on Food Safety and Hygiene, a Corporate Training Program was organized by Lovely Professional...

The President of India Chaired LPU’s 8th Convocation

The President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee chaired the 8th Convocation of LPU on May 2, 2017. In his very inspiring Convocation Address, the...

Admissions Under LPU’s EDB Program Close on 31st May, 2017

American universities guide students to take an early decision to join a university under Early Decision Benefit (EDB) program. Following the same pattern, Lovely...

LPU’s 8th Annual Honour Ceremony

LPU organized the 8th edition of its annual University Honour Ceremony on April 28th, 2017. Every year, at this ceremony, the university honours the...

Workshop on Food Safety and Hygiene on for Spicy Cuisine

Date:  28th April 2017 Venue:  Lovely Professional University, Phagwara Background & Rationale Workshop on Food Safety and Hygiene, a Corporate Training Program was organized by Lovely Professional...

School of Computer Science and Engineering Organized ‘Technomania’

Technomania- a Digital Electronics Project exhibit was organised by Electronics Department of CSE on April 22. The competition was held exclusively for the

LPU Student Organization Alitora Conducted ‘The Ardour Fashion Week’

LPU organized the Ardour Fashion Week Model and Designer Hunt – a 3 day event that brought the glitterati of the Indian fashion scene...

HackerEarth Ranks LPU Among The Top Colleges In India

HackerEarth has ranked LPU at number 3 on their list of the best colleges in India, 4 places above IIT Roorkee and way above IIT Delhi...


Cerulean eyes flecked with gold, I watched as they turned ice cold, I felt his warmth leave my bones, The chill of a thousand gravestones, His tears pierced...

Former Law & Justice Minister, Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Is Coming To LPU

Dr. Ashwani Kumar, former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), former Law& Justice Minister and the envoy of former Prime Minister, Mr. Manmohan Singh, to...