Tips To Study Effectively For Your Exams

Dream to be the topper of your college? You can make it happen. All you have to do is keep your grind right, stay...

Laziness Can Lead to Innovation

“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."-  Bill GatesHostel...

Baisakhi at Lpu

LPU students celebrated Baisakhi with lot of enthusiasm, gusto and gaiety at the campus. Baisakhi is the spring harvest festival of Punjab, that also...

Why Spending Time Alone Is Essential

Once in a while everyone needs to be alone. Notice that I use the word need because not everyone wants to be alone, in...

A Prestigious Socrates Committee Recognition For LPU

The Socrates Committee Oxford (UK ), and the European Business Assembly have recognized LPU as the 'Best University' in the Science and Education spheres...

Mythbuster – 3

Moving to the next myth, the MYTH of all myths, which is that one fitness regime, exercise programme, or diet, will work for everyone....

LPU Organized The First Rajasthan Alumni Reunion

“A trip to nostalgia, now and then, is good for the spirit.” - Dan Bartolovic LPU organized the first Rajasthan Alumni Reunion on April 8th,...

The Fast Approaching End of the Jio Free Internet Scheme

In today's time one thing that has gained everyone's attention is "Jio". Almost everyone's contact list has doubled with one person's old number and...

Are You a Fashion Cliche?

As someone who is really passionate about a lot of things constituting “LIFE”, fashion is something that has always resonated and inspired creativity in...

Mythbuster – 2

If you are exercising really hard in order to achieve overall fitness then you’ve only taken on half the battle. Yes, I’m dispelling the...