What Work is to Life

What Work is to Life


The mintage of wisdom is to know that rest is rust, and that real life is in love, laughter, and work. – Elbert Hubbord

There is a condition or circumstance that has a greater bearing upon happiness than any other. What is it? If I ask a sick man, he will surely say health. For a beggar, it is money; for a scholar, education; for an ambitious person, fame. But there is something common for all.

What keeps a stream alive? What is the nature of time? Movement. To stop is to stagnate. Likewise for life and all things living it is best to keep the currents going – the physical, moral and intellectual currents. Hence the secret of happiness is ‘karma’ or work that gives life meaning. Take work away from all men and what a wretched world it would be! Blessed is the man who is gainfully employed, engaged in some occupation into which he can pour his heart, and which affords an outlet to his creativity and talent. 

We all know how important health is to happiness. Yet, the best promoter of health is work. Work keeps the mind agile and the pockets full. It gives life purpose and keeps one from stagnating into a meaningless existence.