Workshop on Organ Donation Transplantation Awareness

Workshop on Organ Donation Transplantation Awareness


Date: Oct 06, 2018
Venue:  Lovely Professional University, Phagwara

Background & Rationale
Human Resource Development Center added another dimension to their initiative of Corporate Training by organizing an Organ Donation Transplantation Awareness on Oct 06, 2018 at Lovely Professional University. Promoting this noble cause, the resource persons were Dr. Monica Gulati, Professor & Senior Dean, Dr. Aulakh from Aykai Hospital Ludhiana Mr. Pardeep Kumar, Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University.

The participants included staff and faculty members from various Divisions and Disciplines of Lovely Professional University. They were apprised of the noble gift of donating organs for the cause of humanity. The participants were appreciative of the idea and asked many pertinent questions. The resource personsintroduced the audience to “Gift of Life Organ Donation Awareness Society” (GLODAS) an NGO incessantly working towards the promotion of organ donation awareness in Punjab. They stated that already more than 10,000 have pledged organ donation after death.

Sh. Ashok Mittal, Chancellor Lovely Professional University remarked that such awareness campaigns motivate the responsible citizens to contribute towards this great movement. He expressed hope that the attending participants now would actively promote this noble deed. Human Resource Development Center, Lovely Professional University is committed to organize such value-based seminars also in addition to professional competency updations.