International Go-Kart Championship 2017


The School of Mechanical Engineering at Lovely Professional University (LPU) organized a four-day International Go-Kart Championship (IGC) 2017, which concluded on the 27th of March at its campus. More than 20,000 spectators enjoyed the event, monitored by the LPU Society of Automotive Engineers & Collegiate Club (LPU-SAE CC).

LPU Chancellor Mr Ashok Mittal, Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal & Senior General Manager I-CAT Mr UD Bhangale had flagged off the race in the morning. Much awaited by the engineering students’ community, the event witnessed innovative self-designed go-karts speeding down LPU’s 10 km long first ever in-campus race-track in India. More than 70 teams national and international teams registered for the competition, out of which only 25 teams entered final racing round.

Showcasing excellent designing and sturdy construction the teams ‘Vijayant’ from Oriental Institute of Science & Technology (Bhopal), ‘Agonaz’ from Government College of Coimbatore and ‘Argus Elite’ of LPU won the first prize of Rs. 1.10 Lakh, second prize of Rs. 70,000 and third prize of Rs 50,000 respectively. In all, cash prizes worth Rs 3,50,000 were distributed to the teams adjudged best in different categories. 15 eminent judges from the auto-industry including leaders from Maruti Suzuki, I-CAT, Hero Motors Corp, TCS, Mahindra Swaraj, Mahle, and Natrip and Eastman judged the event.

LPU Chancellor Mr Ashok Mittal, Pro Chancellor Mrs Rashmi Mittal & Senior General Manager I-CAT Mr UD Bhangale awarded the trophy and cash prizes to the winners during the celebrative hours in the evening. Congratulating all the winners and participants, Mr. Mittal urged them to keep on shaping their theoretical knowledge into creative and dynamic innovations.