10 Decoded Dream Experiences to Help You with Your Curiosity

10 Decoded Dream Experiences to Help You with Your Curiosity

Decoded dream experiences

Let’s talk about something that we absolutely love to do at any time of the day: sleeping. We very much love to get rolled up in a furry blanket for a peaceful slumber, except sometimes waking up from it leaves us dazed and confused. Thanks to our subconscious which, while we sleep, makes the brain stay awake and weave up a strange tangle of images and stories that are known to us as dreams. Turns out that they are not just wishes that our hearts make. At least, I really hope not because then my heart really wishes to fall off of Mount Everest. As whacky and scary as our dreams maybe, there’s a message behind every single one of them.

 Decoded dream experiences

Free Falling from a High Altitude

This dream is a very common one and has been termed as a “red flag from your subconsciousness” by Lowenberg. The reason behind someone having this dream is that they are having a major problem in life, relationships or work in which they are trying to hold on to something. The idea behind this dream is to let things fall into their destined places.

Teeth Falling Out

Dreams in which you experience your teeth falling out reflect your anxieties about your appearance and as they are used for biting and tearing food, it is a sign that you are feeling powerless which is directly related to self-confidence issues.

Being Chased by Someone

 Decoded dream experiences

This dream suggests that you are running away from something that is causing you anxiety or fear. The chaser usually represents the situation which you are hiding from or trying to avoid in your life.

Being Naked around Public

It is also a very common dream which is as complex in significance as wicked it may seem. Usually, we are afraid of exposing our real personality to people fearing not being accepted or appreciated by them. This dream is a sign that you are uncertain about who you are and haven’t found your true self yet.

Finding a Door to Somewhere

Usually, we sometimes see a door out of the blue and curiously open it and see a place we’ve never been before. It reflects new abilities and outlooks you have realized about yourself.


Dreams in which the world is ending and you are trying to figure out how to survive are very common among teenagers. It represents that a part of our own world is ending or changing and we are constantly worried about it.

Lastly, most of us never remember what we dreamt of the last night. Studies have suggested that if you want a better memory of your dreams, let your last thought before drifting off be that you want to remember your dream.  You’ll have better chances of having a recall than normal. So, now that you know some of it, turn your bad dreams into great life lessons and solve the mystery which is simply called life.