LPU Joined TATA Power ‘Act For Mahseer’ Conservation Movement


As a CSR undertaking, the students and faculty members of Lovely Professional University joined TATA Power’s noble ‘Act for Mahseer’ programme, with over 1500 people registering to take a pledge to save the Mahseer. Tata Power, India’s largest integrated power company, has been pioneering eco-restoration and eco-development programmes since its inception. ‘Act for Mahseer’ is the second largest conservation movement in the country after ‘Save the Tiger.’

The Mahseer fish is an endangered species on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Red List. Out of the 47 species of Mahseer that exist in the world, India is home to fifteen. These inhabit the Himalayan foothills, the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra basins and are also found down south in the Cauvery, Kosi and other rivers. These are commercially important game fish and highly esteemed food fish. They are also potential species for increasing aquaculture, as they have also been introduced in lakes and occur in large reservoirs.

Hailed by the Tata Group as Fish Knights, LPU volunteers have pledged to spread awareness about the campaign and its importance, take active part in Mahseer rehabilitation, and protect the Mahseer by preventing water pollution and protecting natural water bodies.

Talking about this association, Anil Sardana, CEO and MD, Tata Power, stated, “The survival of the magnificent Mahseer – one of the 20 mega fishes of the world – is important towards preserving the eco-system. Tata Power has taken up the conservation programme of the Mahseer in right earnest and has trained about 300 fishery scientists till date to further continue conservation efforts. With its ‘Act for Mahseer!’ pledge, the company gives citizens an opportunity to join the national conservation movement and make a difference through their individual efforts. We are extremely happy that the students and faculty members of Lovely Professional University have joined us in this movement to conserve and rehabilitate this species of fish.”

The TATA Group has publicized LPU’s involvement in the campaign through various sources. Below are links to articles on the same :

On Tata Group Website: http://www.tata.com/media/releasesinside/tata-power-mahseer-fish-knights-lovely-professional-university

On Tata Power’s Website: http://www.tatapower.com/media-corner/pressrelease-2017/press-release-21-mar-2017.aspx

On India Bloom’s Website: http://www.indiablooms.com/ibns_new/life-details/L/2693/over-1500-fish-knights-from-lovely-professional-university-join-tata-power-s-act-for-mahseer-conservation-movement.html

On India Education Diary: https://indiaeducationdiary.in/1500-fish-knights-lovely-professional-university-join-tata-powers-act-mahseer-conservation-movement/

LPU volunteers also celebrated the Earth Hour on 25th March, in collaboration with TATA Power. Students were invited to send in pictures of how they celebrated Earth Hour, and out of the lot collected, the best 4 were selected and sent to TATA Power. They have sent the certificates for the selected students, in recognition of their contribution.