8 Classic Excuses We Give to Bunk Classes

8 Classic Excuses We Give to Bunk Classes

8 Classic Excuses We Give to Bunk Classes

Bunking a class has always been student’s part of a student’s life. We often look back to our school days now and remember the ways we bunked classes and got caught or escaped getting almost caught. We laugh and enjoy reminiscing as it was one of the best times. And being in college is no different but with terms and condition apply – Maintaining a 75% attendance is at your own risk. Well here are some of the classic excuses we give to escape a class or when we are caught.

  1. The age Old – I am not well – When haven’t we tried this. It’s our all-time favorite. Because according to us students our teachers have never been students who have no idea that we will use this golden excuse to miss class.
  2. I have relatives coming over so I have to leave early. That one time we actually feel grateful that we have been blessed with relatives. They might annoy us with their never-ending questions but this gives you a perfect excuse to get back at them.
  3. Sports or cultural fest preparation. This was one of the best and most convincing ways to escape a class in name of doing work. Well, it was not all time that we actually ended up at the place where we were supposed to go.
  4. Attending tuitions. Have to reach there on time. Which student apart from the genius actually want to study more than actually forced in class. But it was the perfect setting to get more fun time with friends.
  5. The never-ending bathroom break. Nature calls during the class always were about 40 minutes. This kind of incredible logic is something only we students can come up with.
  6. I have to study for exams (This is actually used to get out of the classroom). That feeling when you took the name of studying alone just to get you out class was indescribable. Classic but not all time working one.
  7. I was in an accident. When in school even a scratch was exaggerated as a fracture. Sometimes even all the effort of bandaging and everything wasn’t convincing enough to get out of class.
  8. I fell from chair/stairs/ anything which can help you get away with bunk. Probably more than you can count on fingers this excuse was used. Also, with added dramatic effects like you were in pain.

These and much more helped us get out of class. If you thought that your teacher never suspected or knew what you were doing, then you couldn’t be more wrong. Why? Because before you, they were students too who passed the phase you are going through. For sake of memories, they let you go pretending they don’t have a clue as to what’s going on.