Lovely Professional University conducted its first ever Alumni Reunion in Vancouver and Montreal in the first week of this June. Dr. Ramesh Kanwar, Vice Chancellor, Lovely Professional University flew to Canada to welcome and interact with the bunch. Dr. Nita Raj, HoS, School of Bio-Engineering and Bio-Sciences, was present there to host and welcome the Alumni fraternity. Over 25 Alumni participated in the event. Some of them currently working with world renowned companies and that too in niche technologies like Digital Marketing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, SaaS etc.

The evenings were planned with a lot of exuberance filled with live music, dance, and games, all through the event. The Vancouver venue, Sapphire Bistro is especially known for its Bollywood Karaoke nights. Evenings proceeded with updates on Alma Mater activities, sharing of success stories and experience tales reminiscing about the bygone days at LPU. Alumni held Chapter elections and exchanged ideas as to how to widen the group base and improve upon future interactions and exchanges.
For all the Alumni around the world, come register yourself with us here.