Why Every Fresher Should Attend Freshmen Induction

Why Every Fresher Should Attend Freshmen Induction

Freshmen Induction

Lovely Professional University is one of the largest private universities in India. It has students from every corner of India and around the world. This place is pervaded with a very friendly environment accompanied by lots of opportunities for the overall growth of an individual.

Freshmen Induction is organized to make the fresher aware of the university. So here are a few reasons why every fresher should attend the Freshmen Induction:

  1. It lets you know about your university

Freshmen Induction

Freshmen Induction lets you know all about the university i.e. you come to know about its recent and past achievements. Thereafter you get to know about the different blocks of the university and a little bit about their work.

  1. It helps you know about the senior dignitaries

Freshmen Induction

Freshmen Induction is the event where you get to know about the leaders who are working day and night for making the university even better, than what it is today. You even get the opportunity to interact with senior officials and learn a lot of new things from them.

  1. It introduces you to the UMS

Freshmen Induction

UMS – University Management System, this is the website that is used for the management of LPU. It is the website from where every single information regarding any type of event going around the University is made available to you. This website even lets you know about when and where your classes are scheduled. Your queries and complaints are also resolved here. Remember: It is even the website from where cases are launched against the students for any in-disciplinary work done by them.

  1. It lets you know about the rules of the university and the examination pattern

Freshmen Induction

This is one of the most important reasons why every fresher should join induction. Here you are made familiar with the rules and regulations of the university and are even introduced to the term UMC (Unfair Means Case). You come to know about the examination pattern, passing criteria, and the importance of attendance.

  1. It allows knowing your seniors and making new friends

Freshmen Induction

The best part of freshmen induction is about meeting new people and making them a part of your upcoming journey. These people will make your short period of stay more memorable. Seniors let you know more about the university and provide you with all types of help possible from their end and your new friends add on to your joy and give you tons of memories to cherish forever.

  1. To get the taste of cultural showcase

Freshmen Induction

LPU is very well known for its cultural showcase. It is the most interesting part of induction. Here you get to know all about the opportunities offered by the university and see the diversity of the university.

So fresher don’t miss the induction and don’t forget to take part in Freshmen Talent Search (FTS) where you get the stage to showcase your skills. Don’t miss the opportunity.

Link to take part in FTS: https://www.lpu.in/events/freshmeninduction/Open-Participation-Contests.php