India’s Ministry of External Affairs & LPU organizing 5-Day IT Course for...

India’s Ministry of External Affairs & LPU organizing 5-Day IT Course for Participants from 20 Countries

Director of ITEC Program & Additional Director at LPU, Mr Aman Mittal interacting with the students and delegates from Ministry of External Affairs during five days IT course at LPU.

LPU in collaboration with ITEC (Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation) Division of Ministry of External Affairs (Government of India) has been organizing a five-day Information Technology (IT) Course for nearly 100 participants from 20 countries. Participants are from government offices, High Commissions, Ministries of SAARC, and Latin American, African countries, Turkmenistan and more. All of them are attending the program, which will be concluded today. The time-needed important topic being covered is “IT Tools for Effective Administration“.

The online certificate course in IT tools for effective administration is slated for managers and team leaders who handle reporting of teams and spend time on analysing productivity. This course is an introduction to IT tools used for routine tasks in offices. Google offers free tools for personal/educational usage. After learning day-to-day IT tasks including reports, documents, e-mails and more; these can be managed in a very efficient and productive manner by the invited learners. The contents of the course include introduction to Google products for office; power of Gmail; time management through Calendar; Drive-a tool for collaborative working and anywhere access; Data analysis using Power Pivot and more.

The Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme of the Government of India is a bilateral programme of assistance. Under ITEC and related programmes, 160+ countries in Asia, Africa, East Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Pacific and Small Island countries are invited to share in the Indian developmental experience acquired over seven decades as a free nation.

Director of ITEC Program & Additional Director at LPU, Mr Aman Mittal expresses his pleasure that the Ministry of External Affairs has reposed immense faith in the versatile doings at LPU. Mr Mittal shares: “We are happy that MEA has preferred LPU to deliver the government’s prestigious programme to many other countries, in such a pressing time. This programme is certain to generate immense goodwill and cooperation among the developing countries. With this endeavour we are certainly inching towards making India ‘Vishv Guru’ once again.” Dean & Head, Department of Computer Sciences at LPU, Dr Rajiv Sobti and ITEC Programme Co-ordinator Nitesh Mahajan also revealed their resolve to fulfill such herculean tasks assigned to them in easy manners to help the global society.

Worth mentioning, the educational sector faced major challenges during the pandemic, when there was sudden closure & lockdown, and offline teachings were shifted to online mode. Perhaps, amid such chaos, LPU was the first in the country to adopt an effective methodology for smooth conversion of offline to online teaching, training the trainers, research, and innovations to convert all challenges into opportunities.