How to Keep Your Pet Happy in Winters


About 70% of the Indian population own pets. All a pet needs is our love and care, at which we fail at times.

I have 5 ways which you can use to make your pet really happy this winter. 

1. Only when the sun shines: Take your pet for a long walk if it’s really sunny and a little warm outside. It will feel warm and energetic. Going out in the sun once in a while isn’t that bad. Is it?

2. Don’t leave them outside: It is said that indoor pets are the happiest, they should be taken out for a walk but should be inside with you, at all other times. It’s pretty chilly outside and trust me you won’t want your pet to get sick. Remember how you feel when you get sick?

3. All snuggled up: Get your pet a cozy and fluffy bedding as a present. You can actually find a cozy bedding for a really cheap price on Amazon. You may end up with fewer pet hair in your own bed.

4. Brush that fur: No pet likes it if its fur is frizzy and tangled, so don’t be lazy or stingy about brushing their coats. Come on, it isn’t like they have Rapunzel hair or anything, go brush em already. It will enhance blood circulation and warm them up.

5. Keep them covered: Get your pet some woollens. Caps and coats are readily available at all pet shops. There are woolen socks available for pets as well. Well, you might wanna check those out on Amazon too. Buy you bud some booties.

Hope you had fun.


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