

No hard feelings towards all the motivators out there but, failing at your first attempt at achieving something does set you off beat, and why  should it not? You gave that thing every right to affect you in every possible way when you were already anticipating how you would feel after achieving it. So, yes it has the right to make you feel horrible, sad, and disappointed in yourself. Sometimes, when you lose that chance to satisfy your deepest desire, everything that you did seems pointless, and you begin to question even your own existence.

It might seem a hard truth to accept, but those who can relate to the above context will agree that horrible things happen over the course of life to all individuals. Yes, they are of different levels and entirely different natures, but still horrible things. It’s alright to feel disheartened for a while, and sometimes whine about it. What is not ok, is letting your whole life be changed by any one incident.

There is no greater motivator than oneself, because it is in you and entirely you where you find the fuel to keep yourself pumping to do the things you have to do. After a failure, yes agreed it’s hard to take a strong step forward or try again, but what is also hard is not to take a step at all. The choice is yours. Yes, a choice !

It shouldn’t surprise you when I say “you always have a choice”. But if I am the one breaking this to you then perhaps you should start looking at yourself from the inside. It may not be obvious in some cases but there is a choice, it is only matter of time that you realize its existence. And when you do that, do yourself a favour – weigh your options carefully and make the wiser choice.