Climate Change – Let’s Control the Damage While We Can


Our ancestors left us the best of everything they could in terms of economy, infrastructure, a crime free society, and balanced climate. Now the time has come for us to do the same for the generations to come, to give them the best we can. But can we?

Today we are busy exploring the possibility of life on the other planets while we are endangering the lives of millions on our mother Earth. Industrialization, urbanization, forest depletion and the carbon emissions from our automobiles, have taken away our right to breathe in pure air, the water level of the seas are rising, as is the earth’s temperature, glaciers are melting, and rare animals and birds are dying. 

After watching Leonardo diCaprio’s documentary on climate change ‘Before the Flood’ I have realized the price we are paying for all our development. We are all addicted to our comforts, the fossil fuel we consume, the development all around us, our cars and bikes, the travel and exotic holidays, and we can’t hold back, we want it all. But if we are to leave any natural legacy for the generations to follow us then we have to stop now and take stock. 

If we cycle instead of driving everywhere, take a hiking trip instead of flying somewhere for a holiday, if we use fewer gadgets..ifff we just make minor changes and adjustments each, we can all make a difference.  Let’s do something for our children and grandchildren, and their future, let us give them the best ecological and biological systems we can. Let them see real nature, and not an artificial reproduction of the same, controlled by machines and robots.

Become an example so that others can take inspiration from you. Climate change is not an issue for others to worry about, it is an issue of what you are doing for your mother, your family, and your future generations. You can support this movement in the next second by doing something in favor of mother earth.

#RECYCLE the past #REUSE the present and #SAVE the future.