Colleges Challenges

Colleges Challenges


Let’s be honest, College can be taxing to a student. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Apart from all the ever-increasing assignments, deadlines to meet, the drama of people around you, there is so much more to college life than just getting things done in time and getting marks. And especially if you are a student in India’s largest University then it definitely has its own perks.

Here is a list of 4 college challenges every student faces and how to get it sorted, so you can make incredible memories along the way.


1. The Time saver – LPU has the facility of providing bicycles which is near the fashion block for easy commute. If you are a student whose classes rush from one block to the other then this is the one for you. The facility is available from morning 9 to evening 5.

2. The Agony of heart break – Heart break doesn’t necessary has to be from a lover, sometimes your friends or even your family can give you a heartbreaking pain. Feeling alone, betrayed or even worse is having suicidal thoughts, then there are two people who will always be present to listen to all your stories and pain. They are the psychologist present in the Uni-Hospital to heal your broken heart. And yes all that you say in there to them is completely confidential.

3. Waking up early – Only thing right to actually fix this habit of not being able to wake up early (which mind you even I had) was to sleep early. Trust me I know with so much going on in life, sleep is the farthest thing on your mind. But without it, even your body can come close to giving up. Think it this way, your body is your one and only friend and it has always been on your side even if you did not care about it. So now the question would be, would you hurt or neglect your friend who has been there for you through thick and thin due to the mistakes of others it has no relation too? The easiest way to fall asleep would be forcing yourself to take youre your most boring and pending assignment which would work like an instant sleeping pill. In long-term though mending the hole in the heart would be the best way to go.

4. Culture shock – Culture Shock sure doesn’t feel good at all. Though when you come from different places across the nation it is bound to happen. Dealing with it best is talking it out with people of the same place as yours or any friend or classmate who is understanding enough of your situation. Or if you are an introvert or not comfortable with talking it out then you got standup comedy on the celebration of cultural differences. It will help you in getting comfortable with sudden culture change and slowly learn to embrace and enjoy it.

Let us know what kind of challenges you faced when you had during transition from school to college.