“A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” ~ Coco Chanel
It is entirely true that a person should do what he/she feels like but not by some orthopedic belief. In our society, women are celebrated for the achievements they incur but it hasn’t always been the case. Our society has been a nuance of patriarchy for a long time but things are changing and the positive side of the world is coming out where each day we take a new step towards equality. We have progressed by leaps and bounds in terms of equality and women empowerment. It is more to do with how vocal we have become as a society to talk about issues.
Student communities like UNYC and Girl Up have a major role in bringing about that change. With one such initiative on the occasion of International Women’s week, Girl Up LPU organized an innovative event which is a celebration to honor and inspire the Women out there. Girl Up LPU in collaboration with Student Organization United Nations Youth Community, brings to you “YUVTI- The Valiant Women of Today“.

For the first inspirational session, “The Jammu ki Kudi” Shwetima Jamwal was invited to inspire the whole community. She is the radio jockey for Radio Mirchi FM, an engineer, a singer, a professionally trained accredited dancer and what not. For her bachelor’s degree in technology, she chose LPU. Shwetima originally wanted to concentrate on her schoolwork and avoided participating in any extracurricular activities throughout her college years. But it turned out to be more difficult than she had anticipated. She stepped in when she saw the college’s cultural and represented her state’s cultural variety, and the results were fantastic, bringing her to the attention of everyone at the university and even outside the varsity grounds. It sure was an inspirational session with such a diverse and multi-talented personality. She inspired the audience to embrace life with open arms.
You can look at the recording here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca4oqJFF2ey/
Few takeaways from the session:
• Every problem has a hidden solution to it. It’s just you who needs to identify that.
• To be an RJ it is not required to be talkative but be empathetic and knowledgeable about everything going around you.
• Speak whenever it is the time to speak, don’t hesitate or resist yourself from it.
• For one’s growth, it is important for them to be connected to their roots, their culture.
• Our parents will never restrict us from doing/achieving something until we restore their faith in us about being able to achieve it.