Enrol in IIT Bombay Courses for Enhancing Skills

Enrol in IIT Bombay Courses for Enhancing Skills

Enrol for IIT Bombay Courses for Enhancing Skills

IIT Bombay, under the aegis of the Educational Services for Outreach at Scale (ESOS), has initiated the College to Corporate (C2C) program for acquiring professional skills in the blended MOOCs.


  1. Students to improve skills for employability and to perform better in the corporate world.
  2. Faculty members to enhance their knowledge and skills for effective student development.
  3. Staff Members to sharpen professional skills: IT, soft skills and workplace communication, which is the need of the hour.


  1. Any student/learner from any discipline who aspires to excel in the corporate world.
  2. Faculty members teaching Professional Enhancement courses or otherwise interested to sharpen: IT skills, soft skills and work place communication.
  3. Staff members interested to sharpen: IT skills, soft skills and work place communication.

Methodology: Online Learning at your pace and space.

Important Information:

You can pick, choose and register for the course(s) and avail the opportunity of adding an IIT Certificate to top up your educational qualification.

Name of the Course Start of Course  End of Course Registration Starts on
Effective use of IT for Professional Activities 06-Sep-18 08-Nov-18 23-Aug-18
Soft Skills 06-Sept-18 04-Oct-18 23-Aug-18  
Workplace Communication 11-Oct-18 08-Nov-18 23-Aug-18

Registration Process

Step I:Create your login by signing up at www.it.iitb.ac.in/lakshya


  1. Keep a scanned copy of LPU ID card for uploading.
  2. Select City of Institute as ‘Jalandhar’ and Select your Institute as ‘Lovely Professional University.’
  3. During the registration for the course, you will be directed to online payment-gateway. The course fee is accepted only through online payment.

Step II: Also enter your particulars at the following link:


This step is essential for LPU to recognize your participation and get relevant benefits.

  1. Video lectures will be available through  IITBombayX MOOC[U1] Platform http://iitbombayx.in
  2. Lovely Professional University is the remote centre of IIT Bombay and would be coordinating live interactive sessions for queries and doubt clearing.
  3. Certificate: Honour code certificate on successful completion of online practice and graded quizzes by IIT Bombay

Registration Fees

  1. For individual Course @ Rs 500/- per course
  2. Combined Fees for all 3 courses- Rs 850/- lumpsum

For details, refer brochure.

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