Explorica 2016 at LPU


Lovely Professional University organized its annual two-day event ‘Explorica’ to guide school students on the right career path after 10+2. The event saw massive participation of 30000+ students from 300 schools and 100 + Principals. More than 100 informative stalls were put up by LPU students and faculty members. This year, a new dimension was added to the event in the form of School Principals’ Summit on the topic ‘Emotional Intelligence, Value meaning and Relevance in Education’ to forward leadership skills. LPU also showcased university projects to guide school-students that after their schools, life in university is all about creating new projects and following their passion.

Visiting students discovered, learnt and participated actively in competitive and non- competitive events including Gyan Manthan, Academic Exposition, School Students’ Projects, Literary, Fine and Performing Arts competitions. Students also enjoyed the international cultural diversity of the ‘One World’ fest going on at the university.

LPU Chancellor Mr Ashok Mittal said, “Realizing our social responsibility to renew India’s potential for intellectual leadership and national progress, LPU has initiated ‘Explorica’ to nurture young minds right from their school days. This program is sure to broaden the vision of school students. This is in accordance to our policy to rejuvenate education at all levels by starting with schools, which will ultimately enlighten the society.”

Under Academic Exposition, LPU students and teachers guided the visiting students on different study-programs so that they may make informed choices when aplying to colleges. LPU Department of Business enthused visitors about entrepreneurship; Department of Agriculture exhibited soil-less production, vertical farming, the best tomato produce through infra red and blue light usage, and hydrophonic agriculture; Department of Fashion taught them about latest fashion trends and modeling; from Journalism and Film Production departments students learnt how to be reporters, content writers, anchors and more; the Robotics and Intelligent Computers Systems society showcased their achievements in the fields of automotives and solar energy usage. Similarly, other departments revealed the best in them through various exhibitions and expositions.