Happy World Science Day


World Science Day for peace and development celebrated every year on 10th November is an internationally marked ocassion which highlights the importance of science in today’s society and the need for the public to engage with emerging science related issues.It also emphasizes the importance and magic of science in our day to day lives.

This day aims at linking science with the society and ensures that citizens are well aware about the everyday advancements in the field of technology. People get to know about the role scientists play in helping us understand our planet and making it more sustainable for us.

This year the theme is ” Celebrating Science Centers and Science Museums ” in which important architectural structures will be honored for supporting science facilities. The celebration will be aimed at increasing public awareness, promotion of national and international solidarity for  shared science between countries, and drawing attention to challenges faced by science.

Claimed by UNSCEO since 2001, World Science Day for peace and development has generated support for many projects and inventions around the world.  

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Wandering wordsmith fascinated by my fellow journeyers. I’m a journalist, avid reader, photographer and food fanatic who came to love guitar strings and city streets in India and found comfort in the mindfulness of thoughts and dreams.