Artificial Intelligence or AI, more specifically generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Bing Chat, created much noise recently. With the advent of such AI tools, the world has somehow transformed how it searches and learns about things. After ChatGPT was released, it took the world by storm and became a hot topic overnight, gaining a million users within five days of its launch. Although a few tools were available earlier, ChatGPT was far ahead of its competitors and became so popular that OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, had to shut down its system for upgradation multiple times in a short time to handle the ever-growing user base.
A new trend emerged, and all the IT companies started developing their own AI tools and chatbots to leverage the growing market, which means that many such technologies are yet to come, although a few are already released. But how does it affect the students? How can we, as students, use such technologies to our advantage? We will find out in this article:
In-depth explanation in a short time

Let us move back a year. What did we do when we couldn’t understand a topic through notes and books? We would search it on Google, read multiple articles, maybe watch a few videos and make notes of important points. Fast forward a year, and all you need to do now is open ChatGPT or Google Bard, write up the prompt, hit enter, and you will have a teacher explaining to you in the simplest terms. Need notes? All your chats are stored, and you can refer to them any time using ChatGPT or export them to Google Docs using Google Bard. After the advent of such technologies, you only need to focus on reading and understanding. The tools will handle tedious tasks like searching, explaining, and making notes, giving you more time to use in productive work.
A one-stop solution for all your content needs

Students usually write hundreds of reports, projects, and a thesis in college. Once you have your content, further steps generally involve proofreading, correcting grammar, and checking for plagiarism. AI tools such as Grammarly, Quill Bot, and Small SEO Tools specialize in these sectors where you can put your content, and they will automatically provide suggestions on improving your writing style and grammar and also do a plagiarism check and a restructure your content if needed so that you can ensure your content is unique.
Personal Assistant at your fingertips

Do you need an efficient timetable to prepare for an exam? Do you need guidance on how to implement a project or even how to start with it? Do you want to prepare for an interview at a company after a few days and need the preparation strategy? Get help from your online personal assistants. Generative AI tools handle all such tedious tasks and provide an optimized solution so that you have more time for your preparation and an optimized plan than the one you would prepare if you were to do it on your own.
Given all these benefits, we should keep in mind that AI tools are not cent percent accurate and can often provide you with incorrect solutions even with the correct prompt. We should only take help from AI tools and not entirely depend on them since they are just tools and can’t replace the human touch. Remember, AI tools are like online assistants to us and not an online version of ourselves. So, use these AI tools for your convenience and embark on a journey to integrate AI into your studies and see technology do its magic.