How to Become an Entrepreneur in College?

How to Become an Entrepreneur in College?


Startups are like paintings, you do what you vision about and provide them out to the world. If you’re here reading this, you must be having the same vision to hold up to! So here is how you can go up that summit of being your own boss.

  1. Engagement with people

EntrepreneurAn entrepreneur must have good communication skills, he/she must have a good catchy vibe to hold upon the people who are being conversed with. This is important as each user/person is your potential investment. So networking is a big yes!

  1. Be an influencer

EntrepreneurThink, create and experiment with new movements, notions, and ideas. Challenge the conventions and lead to a healthy questioning movement of the existential model of the world. Which means that, find problems around you and try solving them as a part of an initiative. Get your hands on tasks which makes you a role model for the targeted user-base. Make sure it’s all genuine because people are smarter than you think. Keep it real!

  1. Be a good speaker

EntrepreneurSpeaking is the most prominent skill an entrepreneur shall acquire. He/she must be good with witty replies and counters when posed against or in favour of the fact. Shall have a good eye to read the body language of the one being confronted, it talks more than you can think of. “Actions > Words”

  1. Be Expressive

EntrepreneurNo one loves being bored during the conversations. So make sure you’re good enough with the people around you. Impressive with style, appearance, verbals, and nonverbals. Follow a good lifestyle that keeps you up and generous.

  1. Be a motivator

EntrepreneurBeing a motivator helps you to keep yourself motivated first, and then passing on the same energy to the people around you. Being a good motivator is the first step an entrepreneur shall adopt. Everyone looks up to the one who lifts others up.

  1. Have passion

EntrepreneurThere are many cases where so-called entrepreneurs curated startups and did it for the sake of the capital it had. Later on, their startups met with dead ends. That’s no good way to deal with things. If and only if, you have the passion for what you’re selling, then only you are perfect for the startup. So be passionate. Keep the standards and delivery up with full determination towards the work.

  1. Take risks

EntrepreneurMark Zuckerberg quotes:

The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

As Darwin taught us about the survival of the fittest; to be fine for the sign of the times you gotta adapt and keep moving forward with the constant called “CHANGE”. Take risks, destroy things, break walls and keep moving forward.

  1. Invest time and funds in new ideas

EntrepreneurIt’s not at all your job to come up with an idea and craft it into a healthy startup. Ideas roam around you each day. Talk with your fellow classmates, teachers and ask them what they have in mind. If you find something worth enough, then ask the person whether he/she can see it with a sale product’s perspective. Win-win for everyone. Grow together, make carry-to-life colleagues!

  1. Startup Launchpads

EntrepreneurThere are several launchpads you can find to boost up your capital collection and cashing in investment. One such launchpad is LPU Startup School. The LPU startup school is the best stage to showcase your idea and getting funded. LPU Startup school has already funded 100+ student-run startups from the college.

  1. Get enrolled in Development programmes

EntrepreneurThe government is running various startup programmes where you can submit your startup idea and get it approved if it’s worth it. And all you have to care about is the execution. The government body will look after your investments and funds. You have no need to worry about anything but the startup’s ins and outs.

Always remember, failure is the exercise an entrepreneur practices on a daily basis and there comes a day when he/she becomes the ‘woman/man of the room’. Just keep on beating all your edges and get what’s yours!Entrepreneur

Never Give Up,

Always Chin Up!