How To Live With A Mask On

How To Live With A Mask On


Wearing a mask is now compulsory if you plan of stepping out of your home. Even as the restrictions of the lockdown gradually ease, masks will remain an integral part of our lives for quite a long period now. Before wearing a mask, you should;

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or sanitize them properly.
  • Make sure that the mask is not having any hole or tear.
  • Do not touch the mask again and again; hold it only from the ear loops.

However, its prolonged use may cause discomfort to many. So, let us unmask some of the problems faced and the alternatives to them.

  • Sweat, friction and you

Wearing a mask for a long period may cause sweating in this hot weather, which may get trapped and cause skin problems in many.

Alternative: Polyester should be avoided which may trap moisture from breathing and sweating. Cotton is the best alternative as it allows proper ventilation and is light-weight.

  • Suffocation

Some people face difficulty in breathing with a mask on and for patients with breathing problems and asthma, the situation may become worse causing anxiety.

Alternative: Instead of elastic, use masks having ties to pull them together. The ones made of breathable and light-weight fabrics like linen or cotton with adjustable straps can be used.

  • Haziness

Were glasses not enough already, that you have now two things to put on your face which don’t get along with each other at all? Fogging of glasses due to a mask is the problem of the majority of people.

Alternative: You need to use a mask that properly fits across the bridge of your nose to prevent the escape of warm breath through the top part of your mask which specifically is the reason for fogging. Insertion of a paper clip or a pipe cleaner on the slot where it touches the nose can be done in the cases of homemade masks. This will allow the air to escape from the sides only.

  • Irritation behind your ears

Excessive use of masks during this weather can cause irritation behind your ears as the elastic is constantly getting rubbed against it.

Alternative: ease down the use of masks for some time to relax your skin. If you want to continue to use your mask, try to fold tissue and place it behind your ear to act as a cushion.

Some other precautions include-

  • Choice of the fabric of the mask (better if you stick to cotton).
  • Make sure it is snug but also comfortable.
  • The mask should be made up of multiple layers.
  • It must not suffocate you or make breathing difficult.
  • If you are wearing a mask for a long time, make sure you take proper care of your skin to avoid any irritation or damage to your skin.