How Volunteering adds value to your career!

How Volunteering adds value to your career!


College is not about getting a mere degree but watching yourself grow out of your comfort zone and making a difference in the world. If I were to reflect on my college experience in about a year, I hope to remember not just me walking towards the stage to get my degree but all the lifelong friends I have earned, enthralling classroom discussions we had, engaging conversations with my teachers, and most importantly how I created an impact on the society through volunteering. Helping others and contributing to a greater society makes me feel good and gives me this warm fuzzy feeling. It connects you with your community more strongly by tying you with thread to the people of common interests. 

Why Volunteering?

Real-world experience

Volunteering allows you to explore real-world experience and skills to excel in your career. Skills like leadership, time management, presentation, problem-solving, project management, and communication skills can significantly impact your resume and prepare you for any challenging position. It’s an excellent way to develop new skills or polish the skills you are already working on. 


Volunteering allows you to get acquainted with new people and enhance your network. You will be surprised to see how volunteer opportunities create a friendly environment plentiful of vibrant people. You will find yourself unwittingly engaged in conversations with people having a similar interest as you. Networking is a prominent aspect of getting your dream job. Who knows you might meet someone who happens to be on the hiring team, and you’ll have already made a remarkable first impression.

Determining Career goals

Donating your time to volunteering enables you to look more profoundly in regard to your career, it lets you explore different industries and sectors. You get a better understanding of what you want to do in life, it’s a brilliant way if you want to learn more about yourself and determine your hidden potential.

Making you confident 

All the upskilling and networking done in Volunteering present you as an impressive individual, strengthening your personality and boosting your confidence, making you qualified and competent for any interview. 

Building your Resume

Volunteering will always help your resume. It’s more likely that the recruiter will hire a person with volunteer experience than someone without. Make your resume presentable by manifesting all the skills learned, connections built and experience gained eccentrically. 

Establishing a culture of volunteering

Colleges and universities can play a crucial role in building a culture of service and help students to engage in volunteer activities. So let’s see how you can balance and community service altogether. 

Charitable Organisations

The most impactful volunteering opportunity is working for non-profit organizations. They provide you with an opportunity to volunteer for teaching, environment, orphanage, child education, homeless children, animals, etc. You can find charities all over the world that have pledged to help the people in need. The volunteers serve society by giving their skills, talent, and time. I believe some of the best memories are formed while engaged in helping others. You can check the websites of the charitable organizations to see how to get involved, make sure to check local and national. 

Campus Events

Centralising Volunteer programs in the university itself is a great way for the students to access opportunities. Lovely Professional University allows you to volunteer in multiple community service projects periodically. Often put on by student organizations, university offices, and academic departments, predominantly run by students. The volunteer programs organized by the university till now include Feeding Bellies, Nari her right her pride, Blood donation camps, Joy of giving, etc. 

Youth Organisations

AIESEC is an international youth-run, not-for-profit organization that provides young individuals with leadership skills, cross-cultural internships, and global volunteer experience. It creates a profound impact on youth. The lovely professional university provides you with an exuberant opportunity to volunteer in AIESEC in Jalandhar. 

Actively participating in Volunteer activities encourages college-going students to become socially minded and gives them the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of others with a spoonful of self-satisfaction.