How Youth Can Benefit Significantly From The Understanding Of Vedanta?

How Youth Can Benefit Significantly From The Understanding Of Vedanta?


Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient and broadest spiritual philosophies based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures. It is the philosophical foundation of Hinduism.  As Hinduism Inculcates various aspects of the Indian culture, Vedanta is truly universal in its nature, application and is totally relevant to all nations, all cultures, and all religious backgrounds. Vedanta speaks out on the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of all religions.


It is a deeply rooted philosophy that guides the way of life and the way people go about their daily routines in the whole of Indian subcontinent. The finest expression of Vedanta is found in the set of books called the Upanishads. As the Upanishads find its place towards the end (anta) of the Vedas and are an embodiment of the whole essence of the Vedas, it is commonly regarded as Vedanta (Veda + Anta).


In total reality, neither the Vedas nor the Upanishads are confined to the usual definition of ‘books’. As Swami Vivekananda explained: By the Vedas, no books are meant. They mean the accumulated treasury of spiritual laws discovered by different persons at different times.” In Ancient India, the Vedic wisdom and knowledge were transmitted orally from one generation to next generation long before it was properly written down. By the literary meaning, the word Upanishad means “the knowledge that loosens the grip of existential suffering, destroys the seeds of worldly existence and leads to the Supreme Being.”

Vedanta depends on the reality of the existence of every particular human being. The existence of everything or everyone apart from my own self can be questioned or doubted but you cannot question your own existence by any means. Vedanta lights up the path of self-enquiry, urging every single individual to ask basic questions like Who am I? What is the purpose of my existence? As we can see, these questions are common to all of us, no matter what our religious, cultural and racial backgrounds are. That’s what makes Vedanta truly universal.


Whenever there’s a reference to the influence of Vedanta, outside of India by Swami Vivekananda, he always means “the principle, the background, the foundation” on which Hinduism is established. What he wants to tell us that the principles and traditions all across the world are not really different. Their essence is the same everywhere. Vivekananda calls this essence by the name Vedanta. If we give any other name to it, then it would just as fine. It’s not the name which is of utmost importance but the idea that it conveys. Swamiji stresses the fact that All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark. To know that there is no darkness around us, take the hands away and there is the light which was from the beginning.”

Thus, Vedanta tells us about one basic fact that all religions in the world teach the same truth about God and the World. Thousands and thousands of years ago the Rig Veda clearly announced that Truth is one, sages call it by various names.” The different religions of the world offer various approaches to that ultimate God and truth of life, where each one stands true and valid.

Arunav Moitra