Two-Day International Conference on ‘Science for Community’ inaugurated at LPU

Two-Day International Conference on ‘Science for Community’ inaugurated at LPU


School of Bioengineering and Biosciences organized a two-day International Conference on ‘Biosciences and Biotechnology: Science for Community’ at the campus. For this eminent scientists and academicians from ten countries including the USA, Australia, South Korea, Singapore and top Indian institutions participated in a massive number to churn out benefiting solutions for the welfare of the global society. Inaugurating the conference, LPU Chancellor Mr Ashok Mittal invoked all at the conference, particularly students, to go for the practical utility of the scientific knowledge gained at the conference.


Director NCI Clinical Research Foundation, New Jersey (USA), Dr Asht Mishra talked about his important and successful experiments on rats for recovery of sensory-motor function after injury to the central nervous system. It is indeed a ray of great hope for the accident ridden persons.


Vice President, Kam Teck Inc, Maryland (USA) Dr Ashok Dhawan shared about ‘Sucrose Transport Systems in Sugarcane’ and informed that solar energy conversion efficiency in sugarcane is the highest in the plant world. Dr Ragupathi Raja Kannan from Konkuk University, Seoul (South Korea) talked about “Seaweed metabolites” in context to novel drug discovery. Dr Kamal Dua from University of Technology Sydney (Australia) shared novel therapeutic interventions for chronic airway diseases.


Dr Rekha Jakhar from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, provided important knowledge about breast cancer cells. Using the knowledge of traditional Indian medicine ‘Ayurveda’, Head Botanical Drug and R & D Program Sun Pharmaceuticals, Dr Ruchi Sood forwarded presently needed important knowledge about an “Anti-Dengue Botanical Drug”.


CSIR-Emeritus Scientist Prof P B Kavi Kishor from Osmania University shared on “what has been achieved so far and what needs to be achieved by the year 2050”. Many more scientists are participating to churn out more solutions on the next day. Side by side, poster presentations on important aspects were also organized.