Know Everything about SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test

Know Everything about SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test

SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test

Education today, not only teaches students about their chosen field and its concept but also trains the students for life and exposes them to practices followed in their field by people from across the globe. The USA is a hub of education and home to various top-notch universities. For the same reason, many of us want to join named Universities and Colleges like Harvard, Stanford and many more for under graduation and post-graduation. The SAT makes you eligible to access these educational openings at an undergraduate level.

The SAT is directed by the College Board across the globe seven times a year. College Board is a non-profit organization in the USA. Recently, a revised version of the SAT was released. Now, the SAT has two sections: Maths and Evidence Based Reading & Writing. An optional essay section has also been also introduced.

Math Section

It comprises of single test with 58 multiple choice questions divided into two internal modules: a non-calculator portion with 20 questions and, a calculator allowed portion with 38 questions. Total time allotted is 80 minutes out of which 25 minutes are for the non-calculator section while 55 minutes are for calculator allowed section. Questions are mostly focused on Algebra, Trigonometry and Geometry.

Evidence Based Reading

It comprises of 52 multiple choice questions and time allotted is 65 minutes. Passages based on literature, social sciences, history and nature sciences contribute towards the major body of this module.

Evidence Based Writing

It comprises of 44 multiple choice questions and time allotted is 35 minutes. Grammar, Vocabulary and Editing Skills make the major part of this module.

Optional Essay

It comprises of 1 essay in which the aspirant has to read a passage and explain the author’s credible argument. 50 minutes are allocated for this module. Many colleges and universities require the score of essay while many others waive off this score.

In the recent version of the SAT, every section is scored on a point scale of 200 to 800 to make a score of 400 to 1600, combining test results from Math and Evidence Based Reading & Writing as both are 800 points section. Moreover, weightage of the SAT score varies from college to college and the institutions at a tertiary level also take high school grades of the candidate into account. Letter of Recommendations, Interviews and Extracurricular Activities of aspirants are also considered by most Universities.

Registration Fee

Registration Fee for the SAT is $47.50 and if you want to opt for an optional essay, your fees will be $64.50. In this fee, you will be provided with the four score cards if you are selected during the time of registration.