Very often, in the hectic schedule of our lives, we neglect our basic needs. The missing piece is noticed too late and seems irretrievable. A balance in life is perceived as vital and hard to do without. All of us strive to maintain it in our lives, but apparently, nobody knows how to achieve it. There are many spiritual organisations that claim to help people understand how to maintain this balance. One such organisation is the Brahma Kumaris.
The Invisible Doctor:
LPU student organisation, Spiritual Awakening & You (SAY) is organising an event, “The Invisible Doctor.” The event is meant for all the students. This life-changing programme is inspired by Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University. Brahma Kumaris, which has been acclaimed nationally as well as internationally, is the world’s largest spiritual organisation led by women.
The objective of the Event:
Particularly students will learn Memory development techniques and will also develop a good emotional quotient(EQ).
This will also help them in the reduction of their mental stress and increase their concentration power.
This session will also counsel the students on the tendencies of sue-side.
Learn to activate Your Chakras.
Moreover, in this Session Students will learn:
What is Psycho-neurobics?
What is Spiritual Energy and its Importance?
What is Mind and How it is helpful in Balancing Energy Centres in our Body?
Demonstration of psycho neurobics effects on Memory and Health.
Instant Stress Management Capsule of psychoneurobics.
The seminar will be conducted by Dr BK Chandra Shekhar Tiwari. He is a living example of surviving from major life-threatening diseases of Cancer and Hepatitis-C by application of mind power. He is also the author of many best-selling books like Science of Mind Simplified, Improve Your Memory, Psycho Neurobics and many others.

Venue and Time:
The event will take place on 22 September 2017, from 3 pm to 5 pm in Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium.
Registration Free, First Come First Serve
Students & teachers both can register.
Registration Link: