Let’s Change

Let's Change

Before we start, let’s just all take a moment. Take a deep breath and let’s calm our minds. Feel your lungs expanding and contracting. Feel the air all around you. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Repeat the process for 2-3 times. Just a relaxing break from our hectic lives, that’s all. Now that you’re all calm and happy, let’s get crazy.

I believe that it’s high time that we accepted one undeniable truth – ‘Change is inevitable’. The cause for this sudden declaration, I’ll get to it. But for starters we need to know what change is. Change is something made different or something altered (a vague definition, I know). Change lies in the smallest of things. When we step away from our normal routine and try something different, now that’s change. Even the tiniest of adventures, no matter how insignificant, can be defined as a part of change.  But we need to take the first step to experience this change.

Let's Change

Change scares us like anything. Trust me, there’s no need to deny this. Now I’m not talking about the small changes, such as changing your toothpaste brand or changing your fairness cream. These are tiny changes, and yes they do make a difference in our lives. But I want us to look at the bigger picture.

I’m talking about the major changes in our lives. Such as joining a new school or taking up a new job or even getting close to someone new. These changes are terrifying. It’s like stepping out into a whole new world and you’re all alone with no one to support you or help you. Horrifying, isn’t it? But as horrifying as it may be, it’s exhilarating at the same time. The excitement that we fell when we try something new is a feeling that just cannot be put into words. The adrenaline, the thrill of the unknown, it’s quite intriguing.

Let's Change

How long do you intend to remain in your comfort zone? Step out and explore life. There’s a whole multiverse waiting for you out there. Each change that you make in your life leads to new conclusion. And we may not know where it’s gonna take us, but there’s one thing that we must remember, ‘it’s the journey that matters and not the destination.’

So change, not all at once, but slowly. Bring about small changes in your life and some occasional big ones. And one day, looking back, you’ll realize that it was the changes that took you to such heights, and it’s the changes that you’re going to make, that are going to take you to greater heights than ever before.