• LPU’s Pharmacy discipline is 16th; Law is 19th; Agriculture and Allied Sectors is ranked 22nd; Architecture and Planning is ranked 24th; Management is 38th; and Engineering is ranked 50th institutions in the country.
The Indian Government released the ‘National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Rankings 2024’, in New Delhi, for all categories. Amongst both government and private universities in India, Lovely Professional University (LPU) has been distinguished as the 27th top-ranking university. It has jumped 11 positions from last year’s ranking.
LPU’s Pharmacy discipline is 16th; Law is 19th; Agriculture and Allied Sectors is ranked 22nd; Architecture and Planning is ranked 24th; Management is 38th; Engineering is 50th; innovation 11 to 50 rank band and in Research Institutions in the top 44 institutions in India. This NIRF score reflects where the institution is standing with respect to other institutions in a similar category.

Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Founder Chancellor of LPU, Dr. Ashok Kumar Mittal, expressed pride in LPU’s achievements, stating, “We are delighted to see Lovely Professional University’s continued success in the NIRF Rankings. This recognition underscores our commitment to academic excellence and innovation in education. It is our collective effort, commitment to quality education, and passion for growth has brought us here today. Let us continue to strive for greatness and inspire each other to reach even greater heights.”
The NIRF rankings lists have been released for 16 different categories. Three new categories—state public universities, skill universities, and open universities—have been added this year. The other categories include universities, colleges, research institutions, engineering, management, pharmacy, medical, dental, law, architecture and planning, agriculture and allied sectors, and innovation.
The participating universities are selected based on the quality of work in “Teaching, Learning, and Resources (TLR); Research and Professional Practice (RP); Graduation Outcomes (GO); Outreach and Inclusivity (OI); and Peer Perception (PR).