LPU: A Way of Life Bootcamp

LPU: A Way of Life Bootcamp


 LPU is a glimpse of how life functions…


LPU is truly in itself a mock test on how your life is going to be, and I am not just talking from the academic perspective. LPU represents something larger than just studies, and how you manoeuvre your course during your stay here is going to play quite a pivotal role in defining your life as a professional and most importantly as a human being.

If you are a new student you are off to a good start, don’t ruin it! But if you are someone who has been here for a while? I hope I can justify through this write up- LPU is a glimpse of how life functions.

So here are the lists of how LPU is your mentor for life.

  • 75% attendance criteria

No one will deny this is an absolute nightmare for most student (hahaha).

And I also know despite reading this some of us will still be rebelling against it and cry out loud in the end (praying and expecting divine intervention which I can assure you will not work) ;).

But this is how I see it, attendance criteria to me is a way of enforcing punctuality and to be honest this is really fair, LPU is just reminding you- I’ll be a bad cop if you fall below but if you surpass this criteria I’ll reward you (attendance marks). And from my personal experience attendance marks make a huge difference in your final evaluation. 

  • Priorities

We all know LPU is like a city in itself. There will be activities happening all year round and if you let yourself be distracted in every direction you’ll definitely lose yourself- harsh reality of life. You’ll see people always chit chatting at the kiosk and you might wonder ‘do they even attend their classes?’ (Well maybe that’s just my thought ;)) but that should not be your concern. Learning to prioritize your schedule is very important in life and LPU is a good place to start if you are someone who always gets distracted.

  • Seizing the moment

The continuous evaluation (CA) system can sometimes get to us and we start to give up (why not just have a final evaluation?). But here’s my take on CA- It helps you stay in the moment, and if you really take it seriously you’ll realize studying has never been this easy. Now you might question what it has got to do with life- We all have long term goals but most of us fail or get lethargic to take small steps and instead try to jump from A to Z ( I’ve been there and trust me the fall really hurts).  So learning to be in the moment and taking gradual steps will be a lesson learned even if you fail instead of ending up with nothing.

  • Be proactive

Last minute hustle will never work at LPU (In fact life in general too).

Trust me, everyone is hustling, and unless you are an EINSTEIN “aap ka kuch nahin hone wala hain” hahahaha (dialogue from one of my professors, funny, but hits where it hurts). So don’t leave your tasks for the last minute. Of course you, like me may not be very receptive to casual advice – try and fail buddy, and never say I didn’t warn ya. 

  • Discovering yourself

LPU is really a good place to know yourself – It is in fact like a modern day meditation only difference is you are keeping your eyes open and you are bustling about instead of taking a pilgrimage to the hills ;). Personally speaking I’ve learned and grown so much after coming to LPU, I’ve so many teachers who mentored me to really figure myself out as a person. I urge you to interact with your faculty trust me, they won’t disappoint you! That doesn’t mean there aren’t a few who will tell you unless you get 99% you’ll be nothing – take them with a pinch of salt and a large dose of humor.

So that’s just about everything I feel for LPU, you are truly blessed to be here. Ignore the naysayers or even my opinion for that matter but do experience this wonderful opportunity LPU is providing through your perspective. I hope you really get to see and enrich yourself like I did and continue to do.