LPU Held the Much Awaited Gamification Workshop

LPU Held the Much Awaited Gamification Workshop


Lovely Professional University held the most awaited Gamification Workshop conducted by Human Resource Development centre with the motto “Gamify to Gainify.” Today we cannot imagine our lives without technology. The buzzing alarm that wakes us up every morning to the todo app we use 24/7 to remind ourselves of every small event in our lives, everywhere there’s technology involved. Gamification is the process of taking something that already exists – a website, an enterprise application, an online community – and integrating game mechanics into it to motivate participation, engagement, and loyalty. To spread awareness of this new branch of technology Lovely Professional University held a 3 day workshop from 4th to 6th Nov, 2016.

The event started with the Human Resource Development Centre inaugurating the workshop and introducing the key resource person Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta Executive Dean, Faculty of Technology and Sciences. The event saw a lot of enthusiastic participation from the industriy and the academia. Each session of the workshop was divided into 90 minute slots in which 60 minutes were for instructive development and 30 minutes for on the spot activity. 

A gamified approach was used in every session to make people understand this new concept. For answering the questions thrown at them, the participants were given points and scores that were later tallied to award the winners. The on the spot activities came with immediate rewards. A leaderboard was maintained to keep track of the scores. 

The workshop was livestreamed, pan India, in about 41 educational institutes and universities including prestigious names like IIM Kozikode, and  IIM Vizak. Needless to say, every participant, physically or virtually attending the workshop, benefitted greatly from the eye opening workshop.

Dr. Gupta, the key resource person at the workshop has many achievements to his credit, like being appointed on the National Advisory Board for the What Can I Give Mission- Kalam Foundation of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, receiving the MIT Technology Review Grand Challenge Award (2011), followed by the Infosys InfyMakers Award (2016), to name just a few.