LPU HRDC organized AICTE approved course on Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Higher...

LPU HRDC organized AICTE approved course on Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education

LPU HRDC organized AICTE approved course on Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education

The Short Term Course on Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education was organized w.e.f. June 21 to June 25, 2021, by LPU-HRDC  in the virtual learning mode as approved by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy. Mrs. Rashmi Mittal, Pro-Chancellor, Lovely Professional University, in her inaugural address congratulated AICTE for patronizing Faculty Development Programs that would empower the academic fraternity to conduct teaching and research that meets globally benchmarked standards. She applauded this initiative of public-private partnership to disseminate innovative pedagogical strategies to faculty members and research scholars across India through LPU-HRDC.

The program was conducted by seasoned Subject Matter Experts of Lovely Professional University. They deliberated upon – Pedagogical innovations in the changing paradigm of higher education, Digitization of Learning and Assessment, Individual differences in learners’ personality, learning styles and cultivating emotional intelligence.

Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor, Associate Dean and Head LPU-HRDC and Program Coordinator, Dr. Savita Gupta Professor, and Head-Department of Faculty Development, LPU-HRDC presented the Program Report by sharing the ‘THINK BIG’ vision of  Lovely Professional University which empowered them to organize this course as per AICTE guidelines.

Dr. D. Buddhi, Professor and Executive Dean, Division of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Lovely Professional University in his valedictory address appreciated the Organizing committee, Resource Panel and the participants for working together on a futuristic agenda of innovating pedagogical strategies to improve standards of higher education as per National Education Policy 2020. He thanked the eminent Resource Panel from Lovely Professional University – Dr. Sanjay Modi, Professor and Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Arts,  Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta, Professor and Executive Dean, Faculty of Technology and Sciences, Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Associate Dean-HRDC, Dr. Rajesh Verma, Professor & Dean, Mittal School of Business, Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor and Head Deptt. of Faculty Development, HRDC, Dr. Mridula Mishra, Professor and Head-Deptt. of Human Resource Management, Dr. Rahul Sharma, Associate Professor & Head Academic Operations, Mittal School of Business and Dr. Parteek Bhatia, Associate Professor, Department of CSE, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala.

The course outcomes were summarized as Capacity Building on blended learning, learner-centered pedagogies, E-content development for Flipped Classroom, learning styles and personality of adult learners, nurturing leadership skills for academic excellence, Case-Based Teaching, Enhancing Digital Footprints, Online Assessment, Open Educational Resources and Developing Emotional Intelligence.

The Course Convener Dr. Sunaina Ahuja appreciated the Course Coordinator Dr. Savita Gupta, Professor, LPU-HRDC and Team HRDC for thoughtfully designing the course flow, expanding its reach PAN India and attending to participants queries round the clock.