LPU developed Bharat Suraksha Yantra Contactless Temperature Measurement Module

LPU developed Bharat Suraksha Yantra Contactless Temperature Measurement Module


Bharat Suraksha Yantra a team of Lovely Professional University, Punjab (Faculties & Student’s) and Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur (Student) come with an idea to innovate and develop “Bharat Suraksha Yantra Contactless Temperature Measurement Module portable device, which is fixed easily on any existing structure or doorframe or metal detector.


During this COVID-19 Pandemic where entire world are looking for viable solutions in combating this deadly virus many researchers, educators across the globe are coming with multiple solutions and measures, Keeping this viewpoint our team of educators and students made a portable device which enables temperature measurement of person passing though it, if temperature is above defined normal range(Above 99°F) then a  security alarming buzzer and led will glow in detecting possible coronoa suspected, all detected suspects will be fuether investigated by specialized testing team of Doctor’s and medical staff with all security measures. This entire process will ensure protection of Doctor’s and Medical staff or any person deployed to do this initial screeing and helping our feont-line of defense stay protected feom this deadly virus by not coming in close contact with suspect, as our portable module will be setup in such a way that away from 5 feets we can detect whether a suspect is having high temperature or not when he pass through device at particular steady position.

Mission of भारत सुरक्षा यंत्र  is to safeguard our front-line includes Doctor’s, Medical Staff, police personal and others who are engaged in such work and chances of getting infected is very high by getting close to such patient in initial screening. We are aware temperature screening is not new but the way we are implementing by modifying an existing design and innovate way of utilizing will surely make a difference in this battel to fight against COVID-19.

Possible Achieavable Outcomes to Achieve
1. Contactless Temperature Measurement of corona suspects.
2. Maintaining Social distancing guidelines while initial screening not only by suspects but also by our Doctors, Nurses, and other Security personnel.
3. Low cost and easy implementation.
4. Easily deployable on existing structure.
5. Life Saver Device of our Warrior’s.
and many more

The team had already filled an IPR to protect their novel design and idea and looking forward to getting support and help from the government to make their dream come true. By deploying this device at a major location once the prototype is tested and certified by government agencies as per norms.

Team is currently participating in COVID-19 SAMADHAN – An online mega challenge competition organized by MHRD Innovation and ACITE and had cleared round 1 by securing 144th all India position and still. Competition is going on.